Saturday 8 October 2011


Hi! Welcome to this blog!
So, to be honest, I'm not really sure how to start... I guess I should start by explaining to you guys why I made this blog.
Okay, so the story starts when I went on a... 'trip' with my friends. We went to a tropical island, with a really blue ocean, beaches, trees, forests, and all that. I wasn't -and I'm still not, a huge fan of nature and all the things previously mentioned. I guess I never really got what the big deal was. Anyways, during the trip, my friends and I, we went on a night walk through the forest. Well, I think it was the forest, I can't quite differentiate the difference between all these tree areas (jungles, rain forests, swamps, etc). But during the night walk, we got to saw the forest in a totally different light. For me, it was very uncomfortable, but for my friend, she seemed to love the whole experience. In the middle of the walk, she turned to me and said, "Its so beautiful". Her eyes glittered as she said it.
I replied with an automatic nod, even though I didn't actually mean it.
"Do you see it?" She asked me.
"See what?"
"The beauty! Everything is so beautiful." She seemed to be in a different world almost. It was amazing.
I shook my head. "No... I don't see it."
"I'm not surprised. Few can."she said to me.
I never understood it. What she saw, what she meant.
Not until now. And my realization came from a very unexpected source: youtube.
I was listening to a violin cover of a song. And I got this feeling, kind of like your brain and your heart were rushing, like the world changed, like all your emotions just washed through. I get this feeling whenever I hear something I find beautiful and I've always known about it. But, until today, I never made the connection from that feeling to what my friend said. I never realized that both things were connected to an invisible beauty. I realize now that if I can find beauty in a song, I can find it in other things as well.
And so, this blog will be about my... 'journey' on discovering beauty in all 5 senses: Hearing, Sight, Touch, Taste, Smell.